On average per yearwe resolve more than 7,000 damage cases of different types of insurance, we help you get more than10 million EUR insurance benefits, we represent our clientsin 33 European countries.
We guarantee comprehensive assistance from claims consultants and lawyers in the event of an insured event, from registration of the event to receipt of the insurance payment.

sureguliuotų žalų bylų kasmet
padėjome gauti draudimo išmokų
10 mln. eur
Europos valstybėse atstovavome klientus
atlikome saugaus vairavimo ir prevencijos mokymų

We aim to help transport companies to effectively manage the frequency of traffic accidents and reduce costs for the purchase of mandatory civil liability insurance for vehicle operators. We offer a direct claims settlement service without involving the insurance company in the claims process. Our claims experts are experienced and able to communicate in multiple languages, including Italian, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Russian, English, so in most cases we are able to reach settlements with victims for relatively small damages. In the event of a traffic accident abroad:
The driver immediately transfers the victim's contact details, photos and a copy of the traffic accident declaration to the responsible employee appointed by his company;
Responsible employees of the company pass this information on to our designated claims expert;
The claims expert immediately contacts the victim for direct compensation, agrees on a mutually acceptable and reasonable loss amount;
If both parties agree, a deed of reconciliation of loss compensation is signed and the company transfers the agreed amount to the injured party.
Direct Settlement of Damages
In the segment of the transporters' activities, a large part of the incurred costs is made up of the expenses for the purchase of the mandatory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owners. Therefore, it is very important to manage the risks related to the frequency and loss of traffic accidents. During the investigation of the company's risk management measures, the training programs developed and used in the company are analyzed, the process management tools installed or implemented, personnel selection procedures, etc. are discussed. After conducting interviews with the responsible employees of the company, and also, if possible, after participating in the training organized by the company, suggestions and measures are prepared, with the help of which the frequency of traffic accidents and losses can be managed. During the meeting with the responsible employees, the following topics are discussed and analyzed:
Quality improvement and systematic control of selection procedures for newly hired drivers and internal and external participants performing the selection
Driving skills testing and training for newly hired drivers
Preparation for the trip, behavior on the road, the most common circumstances of traffic accidents and preventive measures
Necessary actions and behavior of drivers in the event of a traffic accident
Implementation of process management and technical measures that help prevent traffic accidents or record the circumstances of a traffic accident
Collection, systematization and analysis of statistical information about the traffic incidents experienced according to selected criteria and targeted, measurable indicators
Increasing drivers' motivational system and loyalty to the company
Risk Management Measures to Reduce Frequency and Severity of MTPL Events, Analysis and Recommendations

We prepare individual driver training programs. The following topics are presented to drivers during training:
Briefly explains the pricing of CA compulsory insurance (green card) for drivers, relating it to the need to reduce traffic accidents and how this affects the price of a green card
An analysis of the company's traffic accidents is presented, presenting the number of incidents, the country of the incident, and the causes of the incidents. Specific examples of the company's traffic accidents are analyzed with photos, drawn diagrams, loss amounts
The general average damage statistics of traffic accidents in the market (damage to things, damage to people), the most common circumstances of traffic accidents, causes, examples of video footage, prevention measures are presented.
Necessary driver actions in the event of a traffic accident, filling out a traffic accident declaration, legal requirements, etc. are presented in detail.
A practical task aimed at the analysis of the selected traffic incident/circumstances is solved
The specifics of traffic and laws in certain European countries (e.g. France, United Kingdom) are presented
At the end of the training there is a test
Safe Driving, Behavior, and Necessary Actions for Drivers in Case of Road Accidents

If your business is cargo transportation or forwarding and you have received a CMR claim, the amount of which does not exceed the amount of the deductible provided by the CMR insurance contract, and the insurance company does not represent your interests, we will handle the claim:
Rejection by preparing a reasoned letter of rejection to the legitimate claimant
Reduction by presenting a reasoned position regarding the assessment of the amount of losses and/or by agreeing with the legal claimant on measures to help reduce the amount of the loss
Full satisfaction by preparing an agreement with the legitimate claimant for compensation
Settlement of CMR Claims up to the Deductible Amount
Visual Risk Management and Training Tools Tailored to Individual Client Needs
Traffic accident prevention measures posters
Examples of filling out traffic accident declarations
A filmed presentation of driver training, which the transport company can use for its own purposes, independently conducting driver training

In cases where a Legator customer has been injured as a result of a traffic accident and the expenses incurred in connection with the repair of the vehicle and lost company income must be compensated, we mediate in recovering the sums owed to the foreign insurance company of the culprit. In order to recover repair costs and lost income for the benefit of the Legator customer:
According to the circumstances of the event, we analyze the legal environment of the country of the event
We help you collect documents that support the required amount of repair costs and lost income
We prepare an estimate/valuation report for calculating the amount of loss, a justified claim and other necessary documents
We undertake to make every effort to ensure that the costs of preparing the estimate/valuation report are fully compensated by the foreign insurer of the culprit, together with compensation for the losses incurred due to damage to the vehicle
We represent the client's interests by communicating and conducting negotiations regarding the highest possible amount of repair costs and lost income until a reasonable amount is transferred to the client's account
We fully represent clients' interests in the event of an insured event and coordinate the entire damage settlement process from registration of the event to receipt of the insurance payment:
Registration of stream damages, consulting in the event of an insured event, assistance in filling out the necessary documents
Recommendations on the organization of cost-effective restoration of damaged property and compensation for losses
Monitoring of unsettled claims, coordination of the amount of loss with insurance companies or their representatives
Preparation of periodic reports
Mediation in resolving insurance legal relations between the client and the insurance company regarding the recognition of events as insurable, the legal assessment of the insured event, the validity of the payment/refusal of insurance benefits
The ability to log into the reporting module of the claims administration system and see aggregated claims administration information that is updated once every 24 hours. (charged additionally according to the established license purchase price)
Dedicated Claims Manager for LEGATOR Clients
We guarantee comprehensive assistance from claims consultants, experts, and lawyers in the event of an insurable incident, from the registration of the event to the receipt of insurance payments
We recover damages directly from foreign insurance companies, we optimize compensation for incurred losses
We provide recommendations for the economically viable restoration of damaged property and loss compensation.
Collaborating to Create Added Value for You
7000 units
settled claims cases annually
10 million EUR
helped obtain insurance payouts
countries represented clients in