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Sunkvežimis simbolizuojantis vairuotojų civilinės atsakomybės privalomąjį draudimą TPVCA


Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL)

We will help you insure your company's vehicles under competitive conditions with mandatory drivers' civil liability insurance. This insurance covers the losses suffered by the victim during the accident due to the policyholder's fault. This insurance also covers damage if other people (passengers or pedestrians) or other property are injured, e.g. fence, traffic light pole.

We will help you manage and reduce risk throughout the supply chain

We guarantee our customers

Optimizing Insurance Protection

Real solutions for loss management

Expert consultations and advice on all aspects of transportation and logistics insurance

In the event of an insured incident or claim, we will represent your interests until the incurred losses are compensated

We offer integrated insurance solutions that help manage risk, reduce insurance costs and improve claims recovery

Insurance solutions for the transport and logistics sector


Contractor's Plant And Machinery Insurance (CPM)

Mobile machinery insurance is a specialized type of insurance designed to insure special purpose machinery that cannot be covered by normal property or vehicle insurance. We will help insure your warehouse service, loading and other mobile equipment.